Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Long weekend spent in Amsterdam, Netherlands it snowed so much that I thought it was going to turn into a blizzard. While staying in Amsterdam I got to visit the famous Red light District,Heineken Brewery,Ann Frank House and Madame Toussauds Wax museum. The best part of Amsterdam was the falaffels which if you dont know what it is I will tell you it is heaven on earth in food form!!!! I can now honestly say that I can wipe Amsterdam off my bucket list , one of my favorite vacation spots in Europe!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"Strike a pose"
I just love this cover page with Gisele on the Italian Vogue! Her beauty astonishes me, I just dont understand how someone can look so perfect! She is one of my favorite supermodels solely because I am obssesed with watching the Victorias Secret annual holiday runway show and this year I am missing it since we dont get CBS in Italy. She always rocks the runway and the costumes make me feel like I am in fantasy land!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
"Milanese Thanks"
As I think about how much I miss my family during the holidays living in Milan I get really sad but on the flip side, I was lucky enough to get to experience a American Thanksgiving at a restaurant in Milan called Fiori Oscuri. It is owned by a man from Chicago, Illinois and it was so tasty because it featured pumpkin soup,turkey and dressing just what is needed during thanksgiving. They even served us pumpkin pie at the end and it was delightful! To top it off they even had American football in english Dallas Cowboys vs the New Orleans Saints surrounded by great friends can you say "Life is GOOD"!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Only in Paris"
While exploring one day, we discovered that there was a Louis Vuitton Museum exhibit going on. It was the best exhibit I have ever seen the archive was very large and contained some of the first Louis Vuitton trunks dating back to the 1800's. My Paris trip wouldn't have been the same without visiting this exhibit! I found some awesome vintage luggage that I would die for!
"Can you say Marie Antoinette"
I felt like I had stepped into a fairytale when I walked into the Palace of Versailles. The whole gate surrounding the palace and the palace itself was covered in gold. Gold was everyone in the interior, including the doors and there was so many rooms. I was scared to wonder off by myself because I was nervous I would get lost. My favorite room was Marie Antoinette's room her bed and walls were covered in spectacular upholstery and decorations. The garden which was outside of the palace was another one of my favorites about Versailles. The landscape was like nothing I had ever seen before. It reminded me of the garden in Alice and Wonderland. For a few minutes in the garden I forgot where I was and was just daydreaming I was so overwhelmed by the beauty. I stared at the Palace and thought I wonder how long it took to build such a gigantic building and how wonderful it must have been to live your whole life in such a beautiful palace. If only I could be a queen for the day, wouldn't that be the life!
"Bonjour PARIS"
I can honestly say there is not another city like Paris, I was taken back by all the beautiful architecture and French culture. The Eiffel Tower was not as big as I pictured in my head but still breathtaking. I got a kick out of being able to use my French speaking skills from high school especially when getting lost on the way to the Louvre. Paris was amazing in every way from the Louvre, Louis Vuitton museum, Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge and Promostyle which is my favorite trend forecasting agency. I am really contemplating moving there in the future if it is at all possible. I can dream Big!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
La Vita è Bella
La Vita e' Bella= This life is Beautiful! I am currently in a class called Cultures and Civilization of Italy and had the chance to see a movie that I would never choose on my own. This movie is called La Vita e' Bella and is about a true story of a family during the holocaust but has a twist of humor to it. This film really had a effect on the way I thought about life and the vision I have for where my life is headed solely because it exposes people through the roughest parts of life and all the bad circumstances it brings about. After seeing this film I have the feeling that I was put on this earth to serve a purpose and I am pretty thankful for all the blessings in my life thus far.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
"Quote of the week"
"People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves."
Salma Hayek
"J'Adore Burlesque"
PARIS is in 3 days and I can't think about anything else right now. I saw the trailer for the new movie Burlesque starring Christina Aguilera which is about a small town girl getting a job at a Burlesque lounge and turning into a dancer. It made me think of how much fun Moulin Rouge will be!!! The costumes I know will take my breath away but mostly it will be the fact that I will be watching the actual show in Paris,France! Au Revoir
"Beautiful Cliffs"
Random idea crossed my mind to go to Cinque Terre on a saturday afternoon and hike all day. My roommate Jess and I left Milan at 2p.m. on the train for Cinque Terre. We were under the impression that it took only a hour and 30 minutes to get there but we were so wrong. We ended up being on the train for 3 hours and were very restless and getting frustrated because it was slowly getting later and later and we didn't think we would have any time to hike because it would be dark. We finally arrived at 5:05p.m. in Monterosso and then found out the last train left Monterosso at 6:55p.m. so this was going to be a very quick trip haha. Well we started to explore the town and I am so glad I decided to come to this ocean front town because it was BEAUTIFUL! The water was the color of a Tiffanys box and the air smelled like fresh beach the smell that I live for. The Cliffs on the outskirts of the water were my favorite part of the whole town they were like nothing I had ever seen before. As we were hiking up to the top of the mountain, I let all my stress from the week just escape, because I was at such peace. Overlooking the Deep blue sea and realizing how special this town really was. A cool fact I learned about Cinque Terre is that it is known for its Anchovies and pesto. After our short hike we were starving we hadn't eaten all day long and the only thing that was open was a wine and cheese bar. It is known in Monterosso for being the oldest and best wine bar in the town. The cheese and bruschetta was pretty good but I wanted a real meal at this point of starvation!
"Lets give a future to Memories"
We all know that the Holocaust was the genocide of over six million Jews in Europe during World War II. The thing we didn’t know was what exactly went on inside the concentration camps. Our class was going to get this remarkable opportunity to listen to a lecture by people who had family members survive the life altering situation and heartbreaking time of World War II. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I knew that this day would be very meaningful to my life and the way I thought about history. The first speaker was an older woman by the name of Giovana and the Holocaust played a huge role in her life because her mother was sent to a concentration camp. Giovana’s mother and her friends were split up when they choose who would go to the execution camp or who would go to the concentration camp. Luckily for Giovan’s mother she would be spared her life but endure incredible amounts of physical and emotional pain throughout the years. In the camps the goals of Nazis were to dehumanize the prisoners and use them like they were machines. The Nazis would start to dehumanize the prisoners from the very beginning, which started by giving the naked medical exam. Then the prisoners would have to get butt naked in front of thousand other men and women. The next part of this horrible process would be the women would get their heads shaved and all their belongings taken away from them. After that they would have to put on clothes that they had been given that most likely didn’t even fit them as well as shoesThe worst part of this process is that they were branded like cattle by having a number tattooed onto the outside of their arms.
I can’t imagine how it would have felt to be one of these prisoners and for all of my rights to be stripped away in such a dehumanizing manner. It brings light to my eyes to think that some people that went through this were stronger than I could ever be. It just makes me think how no matter what comes my way I can weather anything and when I see a fork in the road to keep my head up and keep going through life in a positive light.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tutti Frutti
I have always wanted to visit a showroom in Milan and the time came when Brittany and I were researching for a class activity and finally stumbled upon Tutti Frutti Milano. Tutti Frutti is the most fashionable showroom located near the Duomo and has some very well known clients such as Paris Hilton, Stuart Weitzman, Juicy Couture, Rock Revival, Wild Fox and Victoria Beckham. Tuttifrutti was established in 2004 and represents the Eastern European market. They have everything from swimwear to mens and womens clothing as well as shoes. We talked to the owner of the company Mr. Manuel Mencarelli and scheduled a personal tour of Tutti Frutti for next monday! I cant wait to see what this European showroom is like and see how it compares to showrooms in America.
Sunday, November 7, 2010

La Triennale Design Museum
Just a thought I love odd things and freaky shapes, when I stumbled upon this sofa like object inside the Triennale Design Museum I was so amazed that this was actual furniture. I just loved all the bright colors and how normal household items were used to turn into different pieces of furniture, such as rope to make into a chair.
Dear Juliet
"There is no world without Verona's walls....
Heaven is here where Juliet lives" (William Shakespeare)
After watching the movie Letters to Juliet on the plane ride from America to Milan, it made me want to visit Verona so bad after how beautiful it looked. So it is a foggy saturday afternoon and I decided that it was the perfect time to get up and go to Verona. Verona is only a hour train ride outside of Milan.When we first arrived in Verona we sat down at a outdoor cafe and people watched for a good while as we enjoyed some mouthwatering gelato. Later we visited the wall of Juliet hoping to write a letter to her and got to see the famous balcony that she stood on. On our trip we toured the most famous amphitheater called the Arena which was built in the 1st century. We walked all the way up the 50 flights of stairs to the top and got to see the remarkable skyline view of Verona. My thighs were definately sore this morning! After all the bread and cheese I have been consuming over here, I needed that workout!!! I really would love to go back in the future and spend more time exploring the vineyards and countryside there.
1. one of the most productive wine regions
2.William Shakespear used Verona as the setting for his legendary Romeo and Juliet
3.Verona has a poulation of 259,968
4.close proximity to Venice
5. they say if you touch Juliets right breast you will have good luck!
1. one of the most productive wine regions
2.William Shakespear used Verona as the setting for his legendary Romeo and Juliet
3.Verona has a poulation of 259,968
4.close proximity to Venice
5. they say if you touch Juliets right breast you will have good luck!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"If the Shoe fits"
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
Coco Chanel
These pumps by the London based shoe designer by the name of Kurt Geiger were a 21st birthday present to myself! I am in love with my new purchase and even happier to know that no one in the states will have them. I had been eyeing them all day and finally gave into my shopping impulse. La Rinascente could be my new home I could live in it for eternity it has everything I could ever need. When I say everything I mean clothes, shoes, food, gym equipment, books, bedding and cosmetics. It is just my new obsession which is not good at all for my bank account! I LOVE SHOES!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
"Party Cavalli Style"
“The industrial direction is sometimes too much. We should think more about fantasy.”
Roberto Cavalli
For Halloween this year I got to spend it at the Roberto Cavalli Nightclub named JUST CAVALLI and let me tell you it was jaw-dropping and the most unique place I had ever seen! I felt like a celebrity when I walked passed Just Cavalli because the club promoters invited us in and we got to skip the line and didn't even have a ticket to get in. The tickets for the club were 100 Euro but we luckily didn't have to pay because they liked us. I mean how could they not we are sweet, pretty, upbeat Americans haha!!! It was a fashion lovers heaven on earth! When I walked into the club they had bright flashing lights bouncing off the walls and the windows all around the club had water flowing off of them like mini water fountains. It was truly mystical like a fantasy land. The outside furniture was so modern and looked exactly like something Roberto Cavalli would have in his home. It was my favorite Halloween I have ever celebrated I don't know if it was because I was in Milan or the combination of the two Milan and Just Cavalli but it was a priceless night I will never forget!
Beauty of Bergamo
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Nelson Mandela
I thought about this quote when I got to the top of Bergamo a very old and historic town about a hour outside of Milan. Bergamo it consist of two parts the upper and lower parts. The lower has many shops and restaurants and is more industrial and the upper part contains all the churches and ancient cobblestone streets as well as elegant mansions. The view from the top of Bergamo will truly make you stop and think about the beauty of life and in the world. I thought about how blessed I was to be experiencing such a unique town. My favorite part of Bergamo was getting to see the Duomo di Bergamo which is one of the most famous and well known cathedrals in Bergamo. It's beauty was so exquisite from the exterior architecture to the inside Renaissance paintings of heaven in the dome. I just wanted to fall to my knees in aw!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Watch out for those Gypsies!
As I was leaving for Barcelona I was told by a number of people to watch out for the gypsies and to always be aware of my surroundings. As my friends and I were getting off the subway in Barcy a gypsy pushed my friend Lexi and grabbed her wallet out of her purse. We dragged the woman off the train and called the police and she threw the wallet out of her book bag and on the ground. CRAZY!!! CRAZY !!!I am just glad we got it back!
Sweet Sweet Sunshine!!
I knew that Barcelona was going to be a fun place to visit but never did I expect for it to feel like summer and be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen! Along with great friends and impeccable views of the ocean the day just could not get much better.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Spain on My Mind
I came across this image and seriously melted because Christian Ronaldo is honestly the most beautiful man on earth he is the definition of a soccer GOD paired with these HOT red pumps and classic CHANEL it just makes me happy!
I Die!
Brian Atwood is my Hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously these pumps would be fantastic for our week long trip to PARIS!!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening ."
~ Coco Chanel
~ Coco Chanel
I just love architecture and art that inspires!The picture of the street was taken just outside my hotel.I love the fact that every morning I wake up in Milan,Italy.Art museums are one of my passions and I live for visiting a new one in each of the cities I visit!I'm so excited for the day when we get to visit the Salvador Dali exhibit one of my favorite artist! I will be traveling to Barcelona, Spain for the weekend and I plan on visiting the Picasso museum,xochocalate museum and Museum erotica! So much to look forward too already! Not enough time to do everything I want in three months but I'm going to make every second count!!
La Rinascente
I can't stop thinking about marvelous food at La Rinascente rooftop restaurant was.
This one of kind department store features a whole floor dedicated to special bars such as a sushi bar, mozzarella bar(my heaven on earth), chocolate bar and regular drinking bar.The restaurant was called IL BAR and overlooked the Duomo the seating was outside as well as inside and had amazing decor! I ordered a chicken Cesear salad and it tasted better than anything I have ever eaten in my life. Drinking a glass of Vino Rosso and enjoying my delicious salad while looking at the beautiful view of the Duomo and listening to all the Italians surrounding me is what life is all about and learning to enjoy the little moments. Just talking about that salad makes me crave one right now like no ones business!!! I feel as though that food floor was dedicated to me because I live for some good sushi and cheese!!!! YUMMY
The day is getting near when Lanvins amazing designs will hit H&M stores and it will be complete chaos! This image is from the campaign and this tuxedo jacket is amazing along with the LBD! Im looking forward to going to Duomo area and checking out H&M on Nov.2 which is also my 21st birthday suprisingly!!! Birthday Present for myself is a must hopefully the designs will be as great as I expect, but how could it not its LANVIN! Then I will need to purchase a pair of new pumps from La Rinascente my favorite store in Milan, pretty much eight stories of pure heaven for any shopoholic!!!! If they have thearapy for a shopping addiction I think I will need it when I return to America!!!!
Seizing the day
Life is about seizing the day and ensuring its memorable moments. Walking to the metro from a nice Appertivo with the girls I discovered the true meaning of beauty when I looked up at the Duomo at night time as the lights were shining off the top of the top of it and saw a couple hugging, it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. You never think that a building could effect your emotions but it sent feelings down my spine that I have never experienced before. My definition of beauty now is most certainly The Duomo. The Duomo makes me want to cry just because it's astonishing beauty and the skill that went into creating it. All I could think about was I wonder how long and hard it must have been to create such a magnificent structure. I enjoy just standing in front of the Cathedral and people watching just to catch a glimpse of the fashion in the Center of Milan. I have seen everything from yellow and hot pink tights on women to men wearing platform shoes with striped dresses. I expected a totally different type of style from the people of Milan but what I'm seeing is making my adventure here even more interesting! Take it all in and SEIZE THE DAY!!!!!
Take a Walk Get Lost!
So far Ive been living in Milan for three weeks and I have been so amazed by all the inspiration this city has given me by just going out exploring the city and getting lost. I discovered that just walking around with a open mind and letting everything else go brings about a sense of peace especially looking at the Graffiti on the streets of Milan. The Graffiti is not only in Milan but Venice as well which was a surprise to me. I am getting very used to seeing the graffiti on the streets and have realized that is the Italians art form and is their freedom of speech because they do not have the freedom of speech here like we do in America. My girlfriends and I took a day trip to Venice and I stumbled onto this work of art. When I look at this particular wall graffiti I think about how crazy it must feel to only be able to have freedom of speech by painting random words and images onto a wall or building! Wow we are so lucky to have the freedoms we have in America!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Point of no Return
I didn't know how I would actually feel when I took a visit to Lake Como and got to tour the silk factory. All I knew is that it would be a experience I would never forget but it was better than words could describe! I got to see the actual machines that produced the silk scarves for Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, Leonard Paris and Versace. I felt short of breath and was very quiet due to the fact that I was starting to realize that all my dreams were finally coming true I was definately in the moment. The fact that I was getting a tour of the owner of the silk factory was amazing and I am so grateful to him. The silk screening tables were the coolest things I had seen and were being printed directly in front of my eyes. I mean Louis being made in the same room as me Seriously!!!! I was in my element of the fashion industry and soaring high full of happiness pretty much reaching a point of no return!
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